Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 4, 2012

A Perfectly Reasonable Astrological Explanation for Why Your Relationships are Making You Feel Completely Crazy Today

A Perfectly Reasonable Astrological Explanation for Why Your Relationships are Making You Feel Completely Crazy Today

HOLY MOLY did you see the moon last night? If your relationships are making you crazy or you're in communication-misfire mode, it could be due to that big pie in the sky.

Tonight's ginormous full moon will be a beauty, but according to astrologer Phyllis F. Mitz, it could also have quite an effect on your interpersonal relationships.

Mitz writes in the Huffington Post that the "super moon" is responsible for bringing up intense emotions and making everything feel more intense: "Many of us will recognize how much we have learned lately about what works in our relationships. It can also reveal things that don't work in relationships. If something pops up between you and another, use it to learn more about yourself. Perhaps experiment with ways to problem-solve that include innovative win/win strategies."

Her advice? “Use this week's powerful energies to reach to the wisdom of your heart. Avoid allowing reactions to cloud the higher choices you can make."

Sometimes knowing there are other forces at play helps us to not take things too seriously. My plan for tonight—since I live on a chaotic block as it is and the warm weather does a good enough job of bringing out the wackos without the moon getting involved—is to hunker down with episodes of Parks and Recreation and stay out the way.

What are your plans for tonight? Do you feel like the moon is having an effect on your relationships this week? If yes, how so?

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