Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 4, 2012

In Honor of Mad Men, Have You Ever Done A Sexytime Dance for a Dude? To What Song?

The new Ms. Draper's salacious choice of Gillian Hills' "Zou Bisou Bisou" in Mad Men's Season 5 premiere was a good one, but what's yours?

By now we all know about Megan's yé-yé serenade faux pas at Don's surprise party, right? Equal parts bold, sexy, awkward, French, Canadian, French-Canadian, her performance was largely ill-received (other than giving weed-addled Harry Crane a chubby).

Personally, aside from the occasional unfortunate grinding incident at some of New York's dirtiest dance venues in days of yore, I've never seductively shimmied in anyone's direction one-on-one. I will admit that I once broke my shower curtain while doing a drunken striptease to this, but fortunately I was alone at the time. (Unfortunately, this meant it took like a week to get a guy friend to come and fix my shower curtain. How Liz Lemon of me.)

To avoid following my example, study the greats. For instance, here's Vanessa Ferlito getting all up on Bill Pullman in Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, which is basically the best lap dance I've ever seen:

If you like huskies as much as I do, it'd be even better if you splayed in a chair and had a bucket of Cheez Whiz splashed all over you a la Flashdance. (I just grossed myself out there.)

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